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Castlepark Born

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Castlepark Born


Castlepark Born

Kasteelpark 38
6121 XK Born
Google rating:  

Kasteelpark (Castle park) Born is an animal park, situated in the gardens of the former Born castle.
In the park you can experience the traditional quiet. There are great walking opportunities during which you can enjoy the animals and beautiful nature.

The trumpeter swans zestfully greet each visitor with their trumpet sounds and also the rheas and alpacas approach out of curiosity. In the canals you will find an array of swam species, as well as geese and ducks, while in the large walk-through aviary lots of Psittaciformes fly around you in circles. In the park, you will walk past camels, wise owls, nosy coatis, playing monkeys and slow tortoises. On a number of enclosures the feedings times are indicated. As the caretaker feeds the animals he gives information about the species.

Additionally, in the large petting zoo you can pet the sweet goats and in the Wasjbear, the young researchers can explore life in the canal by use of a microscope. In the Kriebelhuis you can find, for instance, various types of stick-insects, tropical frogs, tarantulas, axolotls and iguanas. The large playground is in the middle of the park. The playground is situated next to the terrace, allowing parents to enjoy a snack or drink, while the children are horse around on the playing equipment, jump on the air-trampoline or play in the sand.

During the summer season, Castle park Born organises various activities. You can find them in the regional newspapers, but also on our website

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