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Castle de Keverberg

Kasteel Keverberg - Limburg  Hele kasteel (5).jpg

Castle de Keverberg


Castle de Keverberg

Kasteelhof 4
5995 BX Kessel
Google rating:  

One of the oldest castles in our country is also among the most modern. Keverberg Castle was entirely refurbished a few years ago. Situated at the border between North-Limburg and Mid-Limburg it is also a perfect aspect of a day out full of history, adventure and architecture. Alternately you can obviously have a great cup of coffee or a nice special beer. 

Photo: Dickholthuis

Kasteel Keverberg - Limburg  Boottocht De Veerman (1).jpg
Kasteel Keverberg - Limburg Hele kasteel (40).jpg
Kasteel Keverberg - Limburg - Binnenplaats.jpg
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